Saturday, September 19, 2015

MUSHROOM DROP: What goes down, must go up?

My readers are such a creative and articulate bunch. One wrote to me this week to say how pleased she was with the Mushroom Festival, and then she went on to think about the upcoming New Year's Eve Mushroom Drop:

"But - here's a question to ponder.  Why does our Mushroom have to Drop? 
Wouldn't it be great if the powerful Mushroom could ascend and rise (85 feet above the Square) and with it, all our community hearts and watchful eyes as we lead upward and lift our spirits (precisely at the stroke of midnight) and begin a New Year?  They must have to raise it only to make it drop right?  So, it could be an annual Mushroom Rise - Only in Kennett Square!
Gosh, reading all the news that is news in our world of [2015], do I really want to watch something else drop?  I have to wonder if I'm not the only one wishing for a little lift of conventions."

What do you think? In dramatic terms, there's a certain resolution of tension to seeing the mushroom land at the intersection of State and Union Street. It's on the ground; it can go no farther. Would that ending point be as definitive at the top of the crane? A friend suggests an outside-the-box solution:  as the mushroom reaches the apex, it could close an electrical circuit, triggering a fireworks display.

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