Friday, September 9, 2016

FEAR-FREE: Reducing the stress of vet visits

Brandywine Valley Veterinary Hospital, 2580 Strasburg Road in East Fallowfield, has just become a "certified Fear-Free practice," the office manager, Anne Moss, tells me. 
The goal of the program is "to reduce or remove anxiety triggers in pets and their owners" and includes "gentle pet control techniques and the creation of calming environments, both of which lead to a more rewarding and safer veterinary experience for all – pets, their owners and the animal healthcare team."
Cats have their own reception area and exam room, with calming pheromones. The cats are enticed out of their carrier with treats and can hide in fabric tunnels while acclimating to the environment. They can even be examined in the vet’s lap instead of on the exam table if that's more comfortable for them.
Dog owners are asked to arrive at the office ten minutes early so their pet can adjust to the surroundings. The dogs receive positive reinforcement in both voice and body language and treats.

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