Friday, May 26, 2017

EAST MARLBOROUGH: Tough Mudder, tough ladies

So two of my friends who did the Tough Mudder competition on May 21 at Plantation Field not only survived the arduous race but fully intend to sign up for it again ASAP.
I saw them at the Kennett YMCA on Thursday evening, several days after the event, and although their bruises and scrapes were starting to fade, they were still on adrenaline highs as they described clambering up mud banks, diving into a pit filled with ice water and swinging from ropes.
One woman said the obstacles in the first part of the course involved mud, the second involved water, so by the end "you were actually pretty clean!" (Now there's a recommendation.)
Her teammate, who had her hair specially braided for the event in an awesome warrior style, said she broke a toe but in all the excitement didn't even realize it until days later.

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