Sunday, March 9, 2014

Levi Weaver

Singer Levi Weaver presented a fascinating show at the Hockessin Baptist Church on Friday night. He used a suitcase full of digital gadgets to create amazing aural effects; he recorded snippets of his voice and then played them back while singing along with himself, adding layer upon layer of harmony. One mike that he used made his voice sound like an ethereal choir encircling around the room.
Levi, a gangly fellow with a shock of dark hair, hails from Texas, is the son of a rodeo cowboy, and now lives in an RV with his wife and kids. Between songs he spoke about his struggles with keeping religious faith (after all, the concert was in a church hall). He said that a few years ago he was diagnosed with depression and checked "yes" to almost all the boxes on a depression survey the doctor gave him. Then they asked for his occupation: "I wrote down, `Musician'. It was kind of like extra credit."
Headlining the show was an adorable and earnest young couple, Jenny & Tyler. They sang some very sweet love songs, including one about how Jenny gave up her beloved one-eyed cat because Tyler was allergic to him.

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