Friday, March 14, 2014

Mr. Chips

Tree services and property managers (paid and de facto) are going to be BUSY this spring. The strong winds the other night brought down still more tree limbs, and not only ones that had been weakened in February's major ice storm. Mother Nature actually did some housekeeping in the white pines behind me, bringing down some limbs that had been broken off but were just hanging there precariously -- like the sword of Damocles. (Naturally, though, the black oak limb that has been looming over Route 842 between Byrd and Mill Roads for a few years now remains perfectly intact.)
On Wednesday I stopped by to visit two friends who live on a back road in Cochranville. I hadn't heard from them for a while, and when I got to their house I saw why. They were out of power for five days during the ice storm, and since then they've been clearing limbs from their property pretty much nonstop. So many of the trees along the road came down that it looks like there's room for a nice walking path; goodness knows they have enough pine chips for the footing.
Here's the problem: I play tennis against these two, and their upper-body strength is going to be formidable after all that manual labor.

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