Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Suspicious activity

I've been working with this one client for probably 15 years. He retired as the president of a major publishing house, got bored without a challenge and started his own software firm. He is a larger-than-life character, both figuratively and literally, and over the past few weeks we've been struggling to straighten out a particularly bug-prone content-management program.
So this morning I was surprised when he called me and started chortling rather than wailing about what new software problems had surfaced overnight with our colleagues in India.
It seems he'd just received a call from one of his credit-card companies saying someone had used his credit-card number to make some kind of nutritional purchase from a body-building website.
Instead of being outraged, he thought this was hilarious. He took a look at the website, roared with laughter and told the credit-card rep, "Are you kidding me? I couldn't look like that even if I had extensive plastic surgery!"
He offered to send a photo of himself if she needed proof.
She said no, that wasn't necessary. He wouldn't be billed for it.

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