Monday, October 24, 2011


We have to listen to so many inane, high-volume cell-phone conversations -- for instance, the other day at the supermarket a woman was standing in front of the ice-cream section, with the freezer door wide open, yacking about what kind of ice cream to buy. Imagine, then, my luck at overhearing two fascinating ones at the Kennett Y this weekend!
The first was a doctor answering a page. He was pacing up and down the corridor, so I didn't get the full conversation, but I heard "renal insufficiency" and "infection" and "trach tube." With that calm, decisive authority that doctors project, he reassured the nurse on the other end of the line that the patient was OK, although "we'll take a look at him tomorrow."
The second was a Unionville girl planning her Homecoming weekend. She had all the facts at her fingertips: where her friends lived, who was picking them up, what their curfews were, who didn't want to ride in the same car with whom. I was impressed with her organizational skills and envious of her youthful stamina: it sounded like her weekend was a wall-to-wall lineup of sports, parties, dates, and movies.

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