Monday, December 21, 2020

A churlish opinion piece

I've been thinking a lot about the word "churlish" recently. "Rude in a mean-spirited or surly way," says the dictionary. I think of it more as going out of your way to be unpleasant when you don't need to.

The first time I encountered it was in John Fowles's novel "Daniel Martin." The titular character was flying back to England from California and had run into an old friend on the plane. When they landed at Heathrow in the wee hours, the friend offered to give him a ride home. Daniel didn't want to accept, but "it seemed churlish to refuse." (As an aside, Daniel clearly had his antennae up; the old friend was having an affair with his secretary, Daniel's daughter.)

Churlish behavior seems to be increasingly common, even from people who should know better. In a recent "Wall Street Journal" opinion piece, Joseph Epstein encouraged our incoming First Lady, Jill Biden, not to use the title "Dr.," even though she has earned a Ph.D. He considers it pretentious; he thinks only medical doctors should call themselves "Dr." He used the word "kiddo" when he was addressing Mrs. Biden, as if he was being avuncular. 

Churlish. Exhibit A.

Why, WHY, would you do such a thing? Why would you write such a nasty, unnecessary piece? Surely there are plenty of other pretentions he could have highlighted that are far worse and far more timely. 

As you might expect, the reaction to the op-ed was furious (and not only from academics) and in many cases involved a lot of F-words. Two wrongs don't make a right, but he kind of asked for it.


Obeying the rules

I take my recycling over to the SECCRA landfill every few weeks. I enjoy it; it's very satisfying coming home with fewer items in your car rather than more. Today I had lots of newspapers to drop off, along with various-sized cardboard boxes from Amazon deliveries, half-gallon milk jugs, a large vanilla extract bottle, soda bottles and lots of plastic "clamshell" packaging from blueberries.

Two other vehicles were parked in the recycling area in front of me. I watched as two ladies took a big plastic bucket from the back of their CRV, hauled it over to the dumpster and emptied it. One then picked up a black plastic garbage bag and took it over to the dumpster.

Oh no, thought I: Don't they know that you can't recycle plastic bags?!

Well, they did know. The woman dumped the contents of the bag in the dumpster and then even went so far as to pick up a stray plastic bag by the dumpster. She stuffed it in the empty bag and put both back in the bucket.

I was impressed. I also noticed what an immaculately tidy CRV they had. In contrast to, ummm, Tilda's.