Having one crawl up the inside of my jeans leg pales in comparison to this nightmarish tale from an Embreeville resident:
"Before a bird walk at a local preserve, I took advantage of
the Port-a-Potty. When I pulled down the first bit of toilet paper hundreds of
stink bugs came out all over me, the seat and the floor. Being the close
confines of the potty and my state of disarray, all I could do was make sure
there were none in my pants and get out of there as fast as I could. The final
straightening of clothes was completed outside, not caring if anyone was around
or not. I never use an outdoor potty now without first checking the toilet
paper roll."
Reader Alison reports finding them inside her hair dryer, on the lip of her bedside glass of water ("My disgusted sputtering definitely woke up my husband") and in her chandelier ("130 dead stink bugs in the 8 lights").
An East Marlborough resident reports while making an afternoon cup of coffee, she found one inside the reservoir of her coffeemaker: "I have to wonder...was it there when I made our breakfast coffee too?" And while removing her makeup at the end of the day: "Just before swiping the pad across my eyes...there it was, on the other side, hoping I was too tired to see. What an eye opener."
She also offers some useful advice for stinkbug disposal.
"I heard someone mention during my day around town that we need to give the East Marlborough Sewer maintenance team a break from having to replace so many motors and try not to 'flush' these nasty's down so much. One alternative catch is a jar with a lid (like a jelly jar ready for the recycling) filled halfway with water & drops of liquid soap. Open the lid, make the catch, reuse on the next dozen in the house. I've used this method all week and it's going great."
Personally I drop them in a plastic bag, either one with a slide across the top or an old bread bag with an office binder clip at the top. I keep one bag in each room where they congregate and just toss the bags when they get too smelly.
Reader Alison reports finding them inside her hair dryer, on the lip of her bedside glass of water ("My disgusted sputtering definitely woke up my husband") and in her chandelier ("130 dead stink bugs in the 8 lights").
An East Marlborough resident reports while making an afternoon cup of coffee, she found one inside the reservoir of her coffeemaker: "I have to wonder...was it there when I made our breakfast coffee too?" And while removing her makeup at the end of the day: "Just before swiping the pad across my eyes...there it was, on the other side, hoping I was too tired to see. What an eye opener."
She also offers some useful advice for stinkbug disposal.
"I heard someone mention during my day around town that we need to give the East Marlborough Sewer maintenance team a break from having to replace so many motors and try not to 'flush' these nasty's down so much. One alternative catch is a jar with a lid (like a jelly jar ready for the recycling) filled halfway with water & drops of liquid soap. Open the lid, make the catch, reuse on the next dozen in the house. I've used this method all week and it's going great."
Personally I drop them in a plastic bag, either one with a slide across the top or an old bread bag with an office binder clip at the top. I keep one bag in each room where they congregate and just toss the bags when they get too smelly.