Annalie Korengel, pastor of the Unionville Presbyterian Church, was featured in a March 7 article about the epidemic of opiate addiction in small towns. The story is on the Presbyterian Missions website. It starts:
"Annalie Korengel wasn’t just having a bad week. She was having a horrific one. Five funerals in seven days can push any pastor to the brink of physical and spiritual exhaustion. But for the pastor of Unionville Presbyterian Church in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, standing almost daily at the gravesides of young people who had overdosed on opioids pushed her into an indescribable hell.
"When the last funeral had concluded, Korengel and the local funeral director, a good friend of hers, sat down to process what they had witnessed. They couldn’t. Nothing made sense. All they could agree on was that “we didn’t get into this business to bury kids,” Korengel said."
The article, written by Donna Frischknecht Jackson, the editor of "Presbyterians Today," goes on to talk about how churches are responding to the opioid epidemic, like the parent bereavement group that Annalie started at Unionville Presbyterian.