Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What Do Neighbors Want?

Knowing that I've been covering the ongoing, and highly technical, Whip Tavern hearings, a friend asked me in some confusion, "What exactly do the neighbors want?"
It's a FAQ, because the hearings focus on arcane legal points like who used the next-door office and when, rather than the basic issues that led to the dispute. It's all rather an expensive muddle.
So I e-mailed the neighbors and asked: "What do you want?" And here is what they said:
Neighbor #1: "My goal is not to close down The Whip. But I want The Whip to stop using the neighbors' property (particularly MY property) to pursue their business plan. ... The prior establishment operated their business entirely on their own property, as it should be. It is NOT OK to use our property for parking, turnarounds, trash disposal, bright lighting, trespassing, and loud noise ....  My farm and the properties of my neighbors should not be FORCED to be used for The Whip's business purposes.
I also want to safely drive the streets. There are many near misses on a daily basis. Many patrons leave The Whip after many drinks. There have been several high profile accidents of cars leaving The Whip and even more that go unreported."

Neighbor #2: "We want the intolerable noise, traffic, parking, all-night lights and late-night bad behavior, all of which are inconsistent with where we live and wouldn't be tolerated if they were going on elsewhere, to stop. The Township has already passed ordinances which, if enforced, would take care of most, if not all, of those problems in large measure, so all they want is for The Whip to play by the rules and if it won't, for the Township to enforce its own laws."

Neighbor #3: "We want the cars off the road; we do not want to hear the rowdy patrons on the patio - at all, ever; we do not want to see the glare of their lights all night, every night; we do not want the greatly increased trash and traffic; we do not want Whip patrons turning around in our driveways and on our lawns; we do not want to see guys [urinating] outside........please!"

Neighbor #4:  "Any business is responsible for providing adequate facilities/parking for their clientele. The Whip has not done this and the township has shown no interest in enforcing this. ... We moved here because of the lifestyle this Township offers and we only want those rules applied uniformly to protect that way of life."

Neighbor #5: "My complaints are the same as my neighbors but I do feel that we need to show that there are more than just the "small" group that are complaining... We feel that the patrons of The Whip Tavern do not understand that there is basis in our complaints. We want The Whip Tavern to operate on their property, be a good neighbor, and respect the beauty of West Marlborough township."

1 comment:

  1. Snooty pa-tooty!

    "Respect the beauty of West Marlborough Township?" What're they doin'? Wearing white after Labor Day? Sheeesh!
