Friday, August 26, 2011

Price beyond rubies

I've been a blood donor off and on since college, and when I donated earlier today I was struck by how the process has changed over the years. Now almost every step is computerized, complete with barcodes that they print out to label your paperwork and the blood bag.
What hasn't changed one bit is the value of what you give. If you've ever seen the miraculous improvement that a transfusion can produce in a very sick person, you understand. If you're eligible to give, it's really a generous thing to do, and the American Red Cross makes it very easy. You can locate a blood drive and sign up online, it absolutely doesn't hurt, the nurses are nice and skilled, the whole process takes only a few minutes, and you even get a snack afterward (I donated at the Jennersville Y, and the snacks were very kindly donated by Herrs).
Hint: Drink a lot of water ahead of time. It expedites the donation process.

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