Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Let's get along

Over the weekend I mentioned on my Facebook page that some littering bicyclists were leaving trash along my road-- and oh, what a firestorm of cyclist-directed venom I unleashed, even from normally circumspect and even-tempered people! As in so many situations, it seems that because of some offenders, a whole class of people gets tarred with the same brush.
I hesitate to criticize anyone who is out there getting exercise, but in the interests of promoting harmony on the roads, might I suggest that cyclists (a) ride in single file rather than taking up a entire lane and (b) not litter under any circumstances? And motorists, please remember the "four-foot law" that I mentioned a few weeks ago. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. When riding along roads in a Peloton (group) it is most times not easy to ride single file. Cyclists use the Peloton for different reasons. The main one is to conserve energy. Drafting behind another rider gives one a break. The cyclists constantly change position when in a Peloton. As for sharing the road, just remember cars out number cyclists and maybe just look at the cyclists as a very slow moving car. Give plenty of room when passing.
