Sunday, September 14, 2014

LONGWOOD: Final fireworks display of the summer

The final Longwood fireworks display of the summer took place on Saturday night, accompanied by the music of the Beatles. (I asked the Young Relative if he had heard of the Beatles. I received a withering look, and he asked with heavy sarcasm if I had heard of Martin Luther King. Fair enough!)
The pyrotechnics were tremendous, especially the ones that accompanied "Let It Be" and "The Long and Winding Road" (the grand finale). (In case you were wondering: yes, they played "Here Comes the Sun" and "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.)
The red and green fireworks that lingered in the sky, slowly floating to the south, impressed even the mechanical engineer in our midst. "How do they DO that!" he marveled.
As always, we loved the loud ones and are developing our own Mach scale or Richter scale to rate the noise produced, using "car alarms triggered" and "crying babies" as the criteria.
Thanks, Longwood: You provided us with several nights of excellent entertainment this summer.

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