Saturday, January 10, 2015

ASTRONOMY: Did you know that WCU has a planetarium? Nor did I!

I didn't realize, until a kind reader informed me, that West Chester University is home to the Sandra F. Pritchard Mather planetarium, 750 South Church Street, and they present public astronomy shows. Here's the schedule:
Feb. 6: The Expanding, Accelerating Universe; Feb. 13 and April 24: Movie, "Black Holes--The Other Side of Infinity"; March 6: Venus, the Evening Star; March 27: Movie, "Astronaut"; April 3: Walking on the Moon; April 10: Movie: "Oasis in Space"; and April 24: Pluto Demoted.
For more information, contact Associate Professor Dr. Karen Schwarz, the Planetarium Director: or (610) 436-2788. The website is
They also put out a newsletter that this month featured the star Canis Major, Orion's hunting dog. Much to its credit, the little cross-disciplinary article references Sirius Black of Harry Potter fame and Sirius XM radio.

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