Thursday, July 30, 2015

BOBROWNICKI: Catching up with Dawn and her family

On Friday I had the immense pleasure of catching up with my old Kennett YMCA friend Dawn Bobrownicki. She was great fun at the gym: she had a distinct personality and worked hard in our step aerobics class but was always ready with a mock-gripe about lunges.
When they weren't on some exotic trip or another, Dawn and her family used to live in the Baneswood development in Kennett Township. Her husband owned Raymond Dodge on Concord Pike (she called it "the Dodge store," which always cracked me up). They now live in South Carolina.
Dawn told me that her son Ray, who was a high-jump star at the Westtown School a dozen years ago, went on to compete for Brown University's track and field team. After graduating, he moved to Australia, where he fell in love with a woman from Northern Ireland. They got married and moved to Scotland, and he became a British citizen. She said he is just finishing up his doctoral degree in sports psychology at the University of Edinburgh.
Even at age 30, Ray is still able to clear a 2-meters high jump and is competing internationally.
Dawn said she blames me for Ray's settling down in the UK: apparently when he was a boy, I told him about how great the music was over there and even gave him a CD of favorite tunes from my college days in England.

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