Saturday, May 21, 2016

TAX MAN: Cross the border

Today I received an alarming-looking official letter from Harrisburg saying that I might be on the hook for something called a "use tax." I read the letter carefully, checked the Department of Revenue's website and concluded that I do not, in fact, owe the state any tax.
In the FAQs was an example I suspect was NOT written at random:
"Let's say for example you are an executor/fiduciary for an estate, and as the fiduciary, you are responsible for maintaining the properties of the estate. One of the properties maintained by the estate is an apartment building in Chester County that needs new refrigerators in several units. You purchase and pick up the refrigerators from an appliance store in Delaware, then install them in the Chester County apartments. As the fiduciary of the estate, you are responsible for reporting and paying, on behalf of the estate, use tax on the purchase price of the refrigerators."
Imagine, someone making a major purchase in, say, oh, Delaware and using it in neighboring Chester County. I'm shocked, shocked!

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