Wednesday, January 4, 2017

WEST MARLBOROUGH: A new Planning Commission secretary

The first week in January, per Pennsylvania's municipal code, the supervisors of all townships must meet to "reorganize." The West Marlborough supervisors did so on Jan. 3, but not much changed: Bill Wylie is still chairman; Jake Chalfin remains vice chairman; and Hugh Lofting Sr. remains roadmaster and emergency coordinator.
Longtime secretary-treasurer Shirley Walton was reappointed and received a 2 percent raise. The supervisors will continue to meet on the first Tuesday of each month in the township garage in Doe Run.
Bill said he wanted to express how lucky and thankful he is to live in West Marlborough and serve the township. He said he particularly admired the state of civil discourse among the residents, noting the "high degree of respect" they display for each other, even when they disagree.
The township planning commission also reorganized. Tom Brosius remains chairman, with Tom Roosevelt as vice chairman, but after 16 years of taking minutes, Anna Myers decided to step down as secretary. Emery Jones Taylor will be the new secretary.

Anna Myers (right) shares with Emery Jones Taylor (left) some tips for taking minutes. I took the photo during the Planning Commission meeting on Jan. 3.

Both the planning commission members and the supervisors thanked Anna for her service as secretary. Her decision sparked a nostalgic conversation among her fellow planning commission about the secretaries that preceded her (including her brother) and a few knotty controversies that the commission has faced during her tenure.
During the meeting I happened to be sitting next to Mark Myers, Anna's husband. "This is why I live here," he said, referring to the generations-deep roots that so many Unionville residents have in the community. "You just can't find that anywhere else."

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