Thursday, December 12, 2019

THE WAITING ROOM: Three-by-five cards

Apparently you no longer just "wait" for your car to be serviced. I was at a dealership this morning and was asked, "Will you be hanging with us today?"
Yes, thank you, I would be. I had brought a hardcopy proofreading project with me, so I took a seat in the "hanging" room, inserted my earbuds and got to work while the mechanics replaced my faulty Takata airbags.
After a while, I noticed that the man sitting next to me was poring over a stack of index cards, jotting occasional numbers in pen.
I grew so curious that I formulated a neutral opening remark: "Looks like this corner of the room is a paper-and-pencil zone," I said brightly. If he was doing something sinister, I figured, he'd simply glare at me.
In fact, he was eager to chat. It seems that he works for a medical device company and uses the index cards to keep track of each surgeon's preferences and what spinal implants he or she will need to have on hand for upcoming cases. His explained that his coworkers input all their data into their computers or phones, but he prefers to keep his notes the old-fashioned way.

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