Thursday, March 28, 2019

NEWLIN: Self-experimentation

I visited a Unionville friend the other day to meet her new baby guinea pigs, Bubble and Squeak. She has protected their pen with electrified pads called Scat Mats to keep the house cat, Whisper, from harassing the dear little cavies.
I had never seen Scat Mats, which are battery operated. They are clear plastic, and you can see the wires snaking through them.   
"What does it feel like?" I asked. 
"Try it," she said, turning the power back on.
I expected to feel a mild thrumming. It was not. I received a sharp crackling electric shock and immediately let out an oath. Two oaths, actually. Maybe three.
My friend was in hysterics, and really, who could blame her?
You'd think I would learn, but I had the same experience with stinging nettles years ago. A hiking buddy, a veteran of many summers of wilderness camp in Maine, warned me to stay away from them.
Did I listen to him? I did not.

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