Wednesday, July 31, 2019

PROPOFOL HAZE: (More than usually) mindless chatter

As you can imagine, putting together this column often involves going up to complete strangers who are doing something that I find interesting and badgering them with questions. Dearest Partner has witnessed this so many times that he does a hilariously pitch-perfect imitation of the way I introduce myself.
Apparently I can do this even when I'm unconscious. As I was coming out of sedation from a minor procedure the other morning, I'm told I was engaging in perfectly coherent small talk with the nurses. I remember absolutely nothing of it.
I can't help thinking that my parents, who were friendly, gregarious types who talked to everyone from every walk of life, were giving me a thumbs-up.
As always, I'm amazed at the patience and compassion that medical professionals display toward Nervous Nelly patients like myself. Everyone was so kind, reassuring and matter-of-fact that I eventually calmed down a bit: it was kind of neat to watch my pulse and blood pressure decreasing on the monitor.

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