Friday, November 27, 2020

IOU extra rations!

I took Tina, my dear senior cat, to the vet (Brandywine Valley Veterinary Hospital on Strasburg Road) for her annual shots and checkup and happened to mention that her breath had been a little bit rank of late. Dr. Carfaro found that she had a bad tooth that should be extracted, and we scheduled the procedure for a few days' time. I duly dropped her off, only to receive a call 90 minutes later saying that the offending tooth wasn't there; it had come out on its own! So hooray, Tina, for saving me the cost of oral surgery! Three cheers, too, to the good people at BVVH. Everyone there is so kind, gentle, professional and efficient. They seem to realize how much we love our pets and how worried we owners become when they are under the weather.

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