Friday, November 29, 2019

SEMPER FI: A Korean War veteran

At Lowe's in Avondale I parked next to a pickup truck with a Korean War bumper sticker and various military decorations. The owner, an elderly gentlemen, and I were returning to our vehicles at the same time, and as he opened the passenger-side door of his truck and gave his little sweater-clad dog a cuddle, I noticed he was wearing a U.S. Marine Corps cap.
I thanked him for his service, and he thanked me in turn for remembering.
He said at the outbreak of the Korean War he'd gone to the Lancaster recruiting center to volunteer and was disappointed to learn that the Marines no longer had a paratrooper division.
"Seems not many men wanted to jump out of planes," he said, adding drily, "especially over North Korea."

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