Thursday, June 26, 2014

The more things change...

This morning the following story from the June 26, 1884, "Daily Local News" appeared on the Chester County Historical Society's Facebook page. My first thought was, "What a great Tilda item that would've been!" I can think of a few 21st-century equivalents of the eccentric Mrs. Elkridge; can you?

Mrs. Eldridge, residing in that vicinity, who has recently attracted public attention by her eccentricities, drove to the residence of her sister, Mrs. Stackhouse, at Hamorton, where she left the team. During her absence two ladies living in the house with Mrs. Stackhouse concluded to drive Mrs. Eldridge’s team to East Marlborough to attend the funeral of Mrs. Edith B. Harry. Shortly after they left Mrs. Eldridge returned, and not finding her team concluded to get one ahead of the ladies. The mail running between Hamorton and the Red Lion was about to start and she took passage with it. On reaching Red Lion she walked to Allen Harvey’s, whence, finding her horse and carriage hitched to the fence, and having divested them of robes and other property not hers, she drove to West Chester, leaving the lades to get home as best they could. The affair has created considerable merriment among those acquainted with the circumstances of the case.

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